Spring 2, Week 3
Writing - My Name is not Refugee
In writing this week, Foxes have tried lots of different foods from around the World. Thinking about the different foods that the character in our story would be able to try, the sampled some of these and described their appearance and taste with adjectives. Trying mango, kiwi, dates, marmalade and hummus, everyone did a super job at trying the different foods, showing a fantastic attitude.
''My favourite was the hummus because it was really soft.'' - Freddie
''The mango was juicy and fresh.'' - Isaac
After tasting the variety of foods, the children wrote a short recount to describe the foods that they sampled. Exploring foods that they both enjoyed and did not enjoy, the children justified their reasonings using descriptive phrases and supported these by giving each food a rating out of 5.
Science - Art and Nature
This week in science, Foxes have explored the outdoors to search for plants and flowers that have been eaten by insects. The children discussed they believe could have eaten the leaves and flowers, basing these judgements on the size of bites taken and the area in which the plants were found.
Taking this learning inside the classroom, the children learnt about the pollination process and how this helps flowers to stay healthy and grow. Focussing on the role of bees in pollination, the children created their own step-by-step guide to teach others about this process.
''Bees fly to the flowers because the petals are bright.'' - Nellie
''Bees collect nectar from the flowers and the pollen sticks to the fur on their body.'' - Dalton
Spanish - Seasons
In Spanish this half term, Foxes class are learning how to name the four seasons and describe events that happen in each. This week, Foxes focussed on spring, the growing of flowers and the singing of birds. Learning how to combine these to create a sentence, the children took part in a bingo style game to match the Spanish phrase to the correct image.
Geography - Nature all around us
This week in geography, Foxes have compared physical features that can be found in Australia and the UK. Looking at the Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef, Giant's Causeway and the White Cliffs of Dover, the children explored interesting facts about each landmark and highlighted any similarities and differences between them.
Art - Colour Splash
Continuing with their learning all about colour mixing, this week in art, Foxes have used lego and paint to create prints. Mixing primary colours and using a range of different shapes, the children each created a unique print focussing on applying the correct amount of paint and experimenting with patterns.