Should you have any concerns or questions we ask that you contact the Senior leader in charge of key areas.

General Enquiries

  • Please contact the school Business Support Assistant, Mrs Angela Butler, at the school office on 01782 973970 or via the 'communication link' below.

Safeguarding Enquiries

Remote and Curriculum Learning 

  • Please contact Mrs Emma Johnson, Curriculum lead on 01782 973970 or via the 'communication link' below.

Special Educational Needs

  • Please contact Miss Lucy Newbon, SENCO on 01782 973970, or via the 'communication link' below.

Academy Council

School address

Kidsgrove Primary School
Gloucester Road

Tel: 01782 973970


Shaw Education Trust 

Shaw Education Trust Head Office,

Kidsgrove Secondary School,

Gloucester Road,



Tel: 01782 948259


If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact us.

Kidsgrove Primary School takes the security of the data we hold very seriously. You have a legal right to be informed about how our school uses any personal information that we hold about you or your child. To comply with this, we provide a ‘privacy notice’.

Our privacy notices explain how personal data is collected, stored and used.

Kidsgrove Primary School is the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.

Our privacy notices explain how personal data is collected, stored and used. To view our privacy notices please click here.

Have a question?
We'd love to hear from you.