A curriculum carefully balanced to advance how Kidsgrove children learn and succeed today, whilst empowering them to personally grow, innovate and be prepared for the global world of tomorrow. The future of education today!


At Kidsgrove Primary School we have carefully designed our bespoke curriculum in line with the National curriculum and community we serve to ensure all pupils have a broad, balanced curriculum. 

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure a journey of connected learning that is carefully sequenced from the start of Nursery through to transition into Key Stage 3. Pupils learning builds on what they already know, what is expected and to ensure they are well prepared for their next stage of learning. 

Within our curriculum, pupils will recap and repeat learning to ensure that any new learning is committed to pupils long term memory. Learning will be connected both vertically through year groups from Nursery to Year 6 and also diagonally across year groups and subjects. This is to ensure pupils knowledge becomes interlinked and a web of learning and connected ideas. 

The curriculum on offer at Kidsgrove Primary School is underpinned by cultural capital and digital enhancements. This consists of many planned experiences in school and out; lessons, topic days, school council, assemblies, clubs, sports, WOW trips and visits, workshops, residential camps, fundraising and community work.  Outcomes have been designed to meet the requirements of the new National Curriculum but also to develop the skills needed for learning and for life.  

Adaptations to the curriculum or learning environment may be made to remove barriers to learning for our SEND pupils for full inclusivity. These may include: Adapting the Classroom Environment, Artificial intelligence teaching, Using adapted resources, Use of computing (including technologies such as Whiteboard presentations), Behaviour Plans, Visual aids. Having someone scribe work, TA support within class.