Acorn Physical Education 

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds 


We aim to...

Empowering Learners 

  • Our intention at Kidsgrove Primary is to support each child’s holistic development and we believe that every child should have the right to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Ensure that children will have the opportunity to develop their physical ability, to keep their mind and body healthy, and to become reflective and collaborative team players.




Growing Minds

  • Ensure that all children: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities; are physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities; and lead healthy, active lives.
  • We focus on developing their physical ability, to keep their mind and body healthy, and to become reflective and collaborative team players. Through cooperation and collaboration with others, we aim to teach children to work well as part of an effective team and understand fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.
  • Our scheme of work intends to nurture a love for being physically active, and provide children with rich, exciting, and varied physical education that challenges, engages, and encourages children to demonstrate excellence.


At Kidsgrove, we want our physical education to support each child’s holistic development and we believe that every child should have the right to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. We recognise the importance that a high-quality PE curriculum, sporting and active lifestyle provision can bring to enriching pupils’ lives. In line with the National Curriculum, we will ensure that all children: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities; are physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities; and lead healthy, active lives.

Beyond the National Curriculum we believe that physical education is important for our children’s physical health, their mental health, and their social development. At Kidsgrove our physical education curriculum develops each of these three things, and we aim to provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to become physically literate.

Our physical education provision ensures children will have the opportunity to develop their physical ability, to keep their mind and body healthy, and to become reflective and collaborative team players. Through cooperation and collaboration with others, we aim to teach children to work well as part of an effective team and understand fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. We intend to nurture a love for being physically active, and provide children with rich, exciting, and varied physical education that challenges, engages, and encourages children to demonstrate excellence.


At Kidsgrove, we have adopted an online Physical Education Scheme of work – The PE Hub. This is based on the National Curriculum stipulations from 2014. By using PE Hub we are able to ensure that clear progression is achieved with simplified approaches to assessment. All our children are expected to be the best they can be, and our sessions help children to build on their ‘personal best’. Our curriculum goes beyond discrete PE and permeates daily life at our school, with recreational expectations (Run 4 Fun / Walk and Talk at breaktime and active play at lunch) having the purpose of creating healthier, happier children.

Each week is Fitness Friday and pupils come to school in our PE Uniform and everyone receives 2 sessions of PE; on dance, gymnastics, athletics, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, invasion games, striking and fielding games, and net and wall games.

At Kidsgrove, we ensure that our EYFS provision enables children to pursue healthy, active, happy lives. Physical development is a daily focus for class teachers and support staff, ensuring that children have indoor and outdoor play opportunities to develop gross and fine motor skills. They also benefit from designated PE sessions where they are able to develop core strength, co-ordination, balance and positional awareness. The staff also nurture an understanding of the importance of staying healthy.

We also see the importance of including physical education in all areas of our school life. We enjoy finding opportunities to learn outside in other lessons. This also includes making our break time and lunch time as active as possible, with team games on the playground, and equipment to support physical play, as well as having children as play leaders. We also have a variety of after school sports clubs.

At Kidsgrove, we aim to enable all children to achieve their full potential. This includes children of all abilities, social and cultural backgrounds, those with disabilities, EAL speakers, and SEND (statement and non-statemented). We place particular emphasis on having flexibility in our curriculums such as Physical Education, which has been designed to be as inclusive and robust as possible. With the aid of high-quality continued inclusion training, staff are highly skilled at making subtle adaptations to ensure everyone feels included and achieves to their best abilities. Our different sports/games clubs and active lunchtime sessions, ensure all children feel included.

As a school, we also take part in events organised competitions by SSP which provides the opportunity for a variety of children to take part in external activities such as athletics, football, and cross country running.  Whole school theme weeks also feature throughout the year, these can be linked to international events such as Olympic games or to raise awareness, such as our popular disability sports week.  Our PHSE curriculum builds each year on its unit of ‘Health and Wellbeing’. This allows children to learn about how they can lead a healthy lifestyle and what factors can affect it, as well as grow their learning and understanding. Discussions with class teachers and trusted adults, allow children to develop their own understanding of what they can do to stay healthy.


In all Physical Education, the teacher formatively assess and adapt their questioning and feedback to address misconceptions and guide children to secure PE objectives.

The impact of our PE teaching is regularly assessed through:

  • Informal observations, and constructive feedback.
  • Monitoring of the lessons evidenced on PE Hub.