This week the children have been focusing "on the farm: jobs" for our Understanding the World, they continued to learn different farm animals and their babies but began to learn the importance of a farmer and what jobs they may do. In the provision the children had a range of farmer jobs to complete such as cleaning the pigs, driving the muddy tractors, building tractors, poo (raisins) picking, food stamping and lots more.
In Literacy, the story book the children focused on was called "A farmers life for me". This book explored different jobs on the farm and what you might see. The children were able to make links from the book to the classroom, where they began to complete jobs that a farmer would do!
In the role play area the children continued with the Farm Shop, where they begun to make links to the food and where it comes from.
"Eggs come from chicken" -Matilda
"milk comes from cows"- Vinnie
"Potatoes from the ground"- Aurora
The small world farm, encouraged children to discuss the jobs that happen on the farm and gave each other jobs to do. Some were cleaning the pigs, driving the tractors and planting some plants. Both areas really encouraged and reinforced their learning from this week and the previous as the children had the opportunity to use all the new vocabulary they have used.
In our investigation area, the children were encouraged to use some of our senses. The children used touch, smell and see to discover items you might find on the farm. The children were able to look at chicken eggs, feathers and wool. This encouraged children to describe what they can could see, touch and smell. The children enjoyed the chicken eggs mostly as we look at the shell and the inside too!
Pancake day
The children took part in pancake day as we created our own pancake mixture for using flour, egg and milk. This was a lovely opportunity where the children made links to the topic of where the ingredients come from. The children have a go at adding all the ingredients into the bowl. The children took it in turns to mix, mix, mix and they were ready to cook! The children were all able to taste test a pancake with lemon and sugar and another with chocolate. They then had some pancake activities to complete in the provision; pancake making with play dough and creating their own pancakes with different toppings.
World book day
To celebrate World Book Day we had lots of opportunities to explore story books, in the morning the children went outside to choose a story book and explore it with their friends, in the afternoon the children were lucky enough to have Year 5 to share stories to a buddy! The children really enjoyed this experience. The focus story for World Book Day was "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter, children enjoyed this story and we linked this to making "good and bad choices".