Spring 2, Week 2


This week, Foxes have celebrated World Book Day. Everyone has looked fantastic in their outfits and the children have had a wonderful time talking about their favourite books.


Together, Foxes class read a story called 'the magic paintbrush' which is set in Ancient China. The story focussed on two characters: a kind girl whose paintings come alive and a greedy emperor who demands for her to paint a money tree.                                                                                                                                                                                        

Discussing what they would draw if paintings could come alive, the children created these drawings and explained their choices, linking this to the characteristics of each character. As the book also focussed on the painting of tress, the children researched popular tress in Asia and created their own pictures using tissue paper.

Computing - Block Coding

In computing, Foxes have explored block coding through a platform called 'MakeCode'. Focussing on the basic controls used in block coding, the children explored the function of each button and how this impacted on the animation that was created. They had lots of fun discovering ways to make new animations and are looking forward to designing their own next week.


Science - Art and Nature

This week in science, Foxes have learnt about different types of seed dispersal. Looking at dispersal by wind, water, animals and bursting, the children explored how these methods work, the flowers and plants in each category and their role in the germination process.

''When a seed is loose the wind can pick them up and disperse them so they are ready to grow again.'' - Ayrton

''Seeds can get stuck to an animal's fur and they will fall to the ground.'' - Jason






Art - Colour Splash

For art this week, Foxes have continued to explore the role of primary and secondary colours. Focussing on an artist called Jasper Johns who created a piece of artwork using painted numbers, the children applied their learning of colour mixing to create their own inspired piece. Using primary colours first before adding secondary colours, the children experimented with texture and patterns to create unique designs.