Spring 1, Week 6

History - Queen Victoria

After learning about Queen Victoria over the half term, Foxes have completed their end of unit task. Looking back at key topics covered including the life of Queen Victoria, the Great Exhibition, Victorian inventions and railway travel, the children discussed key facts for each to recap their learning. To show how much amazing learning they have done over the half term, the children made their very own mind maps to showcase their progress.

"Victoria had 9 children and 40 grandchildren. She was married to Prince Albert." - Antony

"Bicycles were invented in the Victorian times. They had one big wheel at the front and you needed a step ladder to get on." - Ivy.

Geography - Our World (Europe)    

In geography, Foxes have looked at the last Continent needed to complete their fact files. The children enjoyed learning about the Continent where we live (Europe), and were fascinated with the variety of physical and human features that can be found in France. They were able to name and locate France on a World map before discussing the features and history behind three well-known landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre.

Whilst learning about the well-known human features, they also had opportunities to develop their understanding of the Alps and the Seine River. It has been wonderful to see the children's fascination and amazement each week when learning about the wonderful features and attractions in different continents. Here are a few of their favourites:


"I liked learning about North American because that's where Disneyland is." - Angel

"I enjoyed learning about Asia. India has lots of temples which look beautiful". - Dalton


DT - Mechanisms (Fairground Wheels)

To complete their learning all about Mechanisms and creating a fairground wheel, the children designed and added pods to their creations. Using surveys completed in a previous lesson, the children used the results to design and add pods which required lots of focus and precision. 

''My pods had stars on them because that got the most votes on my survey.'' - Ariella

''I used eight pods because it needs to fit more than 8 people inside.'' - Jayden


Valentines Disco

After an extremely busy half term, the children were treated to a valentines themed disco. Wearing lots of hearts, pink and red, everyone had a wonderful time dancing to their favourite songs and eating some tasty snacks. This was definitely deserved when looking back at the progress everyone has made because of their determination and amazing attitude towards their learning. Well done!