Writing - The Dragon Machine
In Writing this week, the children have finished their 'Dragon Machine' inspired stories and we are all so proud of how amazing their stories are with their beautiful handwriting, wonderful sentence structure and super adjectives. Well done Year 1!
Maths - Addition and Subtraction Within 20
This week, in Maths, the children have enjoyed using manipulatives to practice their addition and subtraction skills. The children have used tens frames and counters, number lines as well as Numicon to consolidate their learning and show their understanding of the key concepts learnt this half term.
Science - Sorting Materials
This half term, the children's Science lessons have been all about materials. To finish their unit of work, the children have been learning to identify and sort materials such as wood, metal and plastic based on their properties. First, the children explored what makes each material unique. They found that some materials are hard and shiny, like metal, while others are soft and dull, like fabric. Then, the children had fun sorting materials into groups based on these properties.
History - Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation
In History, Year 1 have been learning about Queen Elizabeth II's coronation. The children have discovered fascinating facts about the big day, including where it took place, what Queen Elizabeth wore, and how there was a procession after the ceremony. They watched short clips of the coronation and talked about what it would be like to be part of such a historic event. To show their learning, the children labelled a picture of Queen Elizabeth II with key features of a coronation.
Geography - Europe
In Geography, Year 1 have been exploring the continent of Europe! The children started by learning that a continent is a large area of land and how countries are much smaller than continents. They located different continents on a world map and then zoomed in to find out how lots of countries make up one continent. Also, the children learnt that there are 7 continents in the world, but we focused on Europe as this is the continent that they live in. Using their prior knowledge, the children were able to recall that they live in England, which is a country in the United Kingdom, which is in the continent of Europe!
Computing - Data Handling - Bar Charts and Pie Charts
In Computing, Year 1 have been learning how to collect data (information) and display it in bar charts and pie charts. The children practiced creating these charts based on the number of minibeasts they could identify within the picture. The children worked in small groups to collect the data and then created each chart using on app on their iPads.
Valentines Day Disco
The Valentines Disco was a huge success with the children and a lovely way to end another busy half term. Squirrels enjoyed dancing to their favourite songs, wearing their Valentines-themed outfits and having a fantastic time with their friends.