Here is what Squirrels have been learning about during the first week of the Spring 2 term!
Writing – My Name Is Not Refugee
In their Writing lessons, Squirrels have started to read a book called ‘My Name Is Not Refugee’. The story is about a young boy who has to leave his home and travel to a new place. In their first lesson, the children found a mysterious backpack on the playground. They had a look inside the bag and found a toothbrush, a teddy bear, a family photo and a book written in a different language. Discussing different question starters, the children wrote a range of questions to try and figure out who the backpack belonged to. Then, the children created a ‘found’ poster to put up around the school to try and find the owner of the backpack.
Science – Plants and Nature: Parts of a Plant
Today in Science, Squirrels have started a new topic all about plants. The children explored the different parts of a plant and even got the chance to plant some of their very own seeds! The children started by discovering the main parts of a plant. They learnt that a plant has roots, a stem, leaves, flowers and seeds. Also, we learnt how each part of the plant has a special job to help it grow and stay healthy. Then, the children got to plant their very own seeds. The children each had a small pot, some soil and a seed to plant. They carefully added the soil, placed their seed inside, and watered it gently. The children can't wait to see how their plants will grow and are really excited to see what happens over the next few weeks!
History – Stories About the Past: Robert the Bruce
In History, Squirrels started a new topic all about different stories from the past. In their first lesson, the children learnt about Robert the Bruce, a brave Scottish king from a long time ago. After losing a battle, Robert the Bruce hid in a cave. In the cave, he saw a tiny spider trying to spin a web. The spider kept trying, even when it kept falling! Robert the Bruce watched and thought that because the spider didn’t give up, he shouldn't give up either. He went back to battle and won! From listening to this story, the children learnt about the importance of never giving up and how they should keep trying, even when things are hard. To show their learning, the children enjoyed acting out the story!
Geography – Seasonal Changes: Dry, Drought, and Sun
In Geography, the children began a new topic where they will learn about how the weather changes in different seasons. Squirrels started by discussing hot weather and what happens when there is no rain for a long time. The children learnt that this is called a drought. They looked at the impact of a drought in different countries and they thought about how animals and plants might feel when there is not enough water.
Art & Design – Painting and Mixed Media: Making Colours!
In Art and Design, Squirrels started a new topic looking at painting and mixed media. In their first lesson, the children used paints to explore primary and secondary colours. They learnt that the primary colours are red, yellow, and blue and that they cannot be made by mixing colours together. Then, the children learnt how to make secondary colours by mixing the primary colours together.