Writing - The Dragon Machine

In writing, Squirrels have created their own animal machine to include when creating their own 'Dragon Machine' story. They started by designing their machine before labelling them with adjectives to describe their appearance and personality. Then, they turned their annotations into sentences to create their very own character description! During the week, the children also learnt how to write verbs in the past tense by adding the '-ed' suffix. The children were able to apply their learning by including past tense verbs in their sentence writing to describe how the dragon machine flew in the story. 


Maths - Addition and Subtraction Within 20

In Maths, Squirrels have started their new unit of work learning about addition and subtraction within 20. The children explored different topics focusing on adding by counting on, adding ones using number bonds, finding and making number bonds to 20 and identifying doubles.

Science - Everyday Materials - Testing the Absorbency of Different Materials

This week in Science, Squirrels learnt that if a material can absorb a liquid, it is absorbent. The children found that they cannot always tell if a material is absorbent just by looking at it or feeling it. Sometimes, materials need to be tested to find out their properties. Therefore, the children tested different materials, including wood, metal, rock, plastic, cloth and wool, to find out if they are absorbent or not. To complete the test, the children worked in small groups and placed their material into a cup of water and then observed what happened. The children discussed whether the material absorbed (soaked up) the water or not. Using their observations, the children were able to identify whether their material was absorbent or not.

"The cotton wool has absorbed the water. The cup is now empty" - Anastasia

"The rock has changed colour because it is wet. The water has stayed in the cup" - Finley

"The cloth is absorbent as there is no water left in the cup" - Grace


History - Queen Elizabeth II - Living Through The War

This week in History, Squirrels have continued with their learning about Queen Elizabeth II, focusing on what life was like for Queen Elizabeth during World War Two. To start, the children looked at pictures taken during World War Two and learnt that this was a very big war that happened over 80 years ago and started in 1939 and lasted for 6 years. The children found their new learning very interesting and were shocked to discover that Queen Elizabeth II joined the military and became a mechanic, who learned to drive and fix military trucks, so that she could help her country during the war. 

PSHE - Economic Wellbeing - Saving and Spending

This week in PSHE, Squirrels have learnt that we can make different decisions and choices about our money. Sometimes, we might choose to spend our money straight away and other times we might choose to save our money for something. To shows their understanding of the new vocabulary 'saving' and 'spending', the children listened to different scenarios and had to decide what was the best thing to do with the money.

"People might choose to save their money for a holiday" Dalton

"I would spend money on food and toys" Lacey-Mae 


Geography - Where Are We? - The United Kingdom Countries and Capital Cities

This week in Geography, Squirrels have been learning about the United Kingdom. They learnt that the United Kingdom is made up of four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and that each country in the UK has its own capital city (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast). The children enjoyed showing their understanding by matching the name of the country and capital city to the place on a map of the UK.


Design and Technology - Fairground Wheels

This week in DT, Squirrels created their very own survey. These included questions that they asked their friends to help inform their final designs for their fairground wheels.