This week, Squirrels have had another busy week and explored a variety of topics across different subjects. Here is a look into our learning journey:
Writing: The Dragon Machine
In writing, the children continued their learning based on their whole class story 'The Dragon Machine'. This week, Squirrels focused on how to include different types of punctuation in their writing including question marks and exclamation marks. The children learnt how to use both types of punctuation in sentences and then used a picture stimulus to write their own sentences including question and exclamation marks.
Maths: Place Value within 20
This week, Squirrels continued their learning with numbers to 20 and focused on comparing these numbers to determine which was 'greater' and which was 'smaller'. As well as using the inequality symbols and the language of 'less than', 'greater than' or 'equal to', the children used concrete manipulatives to help them identify which number in a pair was greater or less than the other. Then, the children ended their week of maths learning by ordering sets of 3 numbers numbers within 20 in both ascending and descending order.
Science: Everyday Materials
In science, the children conducted an investigation to discover the best materials to fix a torn umbrella. Before the children started the investigation, the children predicted whether they thought each material would be waterproof or not. Then using pipettes, the children dropped water onto different materials including paper, plastic, cloth and metal. The children observed various changes to the materials:
"The paper is wet and breaking apart" - Leo
"The plastic is waterproof as I can see that the water has stayed on top of the material" - Sienna
"The cloth has absorbed the water. It must not be waterproof" - Archie
History: Queen Elizabeth II
In history, the children continued their learning all about Queen Elizabeth II. This week, the children compared Queen Elizabeth II's childhood to their own. The children learnt that Queen Elizabeth was home schooled and that her hobbies as a child included included horseback riding and playing the piano.
Geography: Where Are We?
This week in geography Squirrels have looked at the difference in size between a city, county and country. The children learnt that a city is the smallest, a county is largest (made of lots of towns and cities) and then a country is the largest (made of many counties and cities). Then, using google maps, the children were able to identify and learn the name of the city, county and country that they live in.
Computing: Data Handling
In Computing, Squirrels have explored how to represent data using pictograms. To make their own pictogram, the children used an app called sketch pad, to create the text and add the suitable images. To do this, we practised how to scan a QR code to access the app and then the keyboard to type text and add icons.
Design and Technology: Fairground Wheels
Carrying on with their learning about fairground wheels, the children have continued with the next stage of their project as they have made the wheel, axel and frames for their very own fairground wheel!