This week the children have been focusing "on the farm: animals" for our Understanding the World, they discussed different farm animals, their babies and the sounds they can make.
In Literacy, the story book the children focused on was called "on the farm" by Axel Scheffler. This book explored different areas of the farm and the animals you might see. The children were able to make links from the book to the classroom, where they began to label the animals and things you might see on the farm from the story.
In the role play area this week we opened a Farm Shop, the children really enjoyed exploring what would be for sale in a farm shop. The children all took on different roles in the shop and were able to understand what the different role do.
"I work the till" -Jasmine
"I am a customer to pay" -Rosalie
In the small world area, the children had a farm, where they could practice animals sounds and reenact how a farm would work, with tractors, fencing and animals. This allowed children to see the baby animals and name them as this was our focus of the week!
"Baby calf" -Derren
"Lamb, baa baa" -Freddie
"Daddy pig" -Rueben
"Puppy" -Ruby
"Horse, neigh neigh"- Lexi
"A baby horse is a foal" -Vinnie
This also linked to Expressive Arts and Design where children learnt and used animal noises correctly to express how the animal is feeling. Some children were making the sounds quietly or loudly to emphasise how they feel. Both learning areas encouraged Communication and Language as children communicated with each other using language and developing their social skills. In the construction area children were encouraged to build their own farm using the bricks and animals, the children enjoy making squares and rectangles as they would use the correct shape names.
For maths, this week the children had a focus on counting by counting the animal legs and grouping them between 2 and 4 legs, the children enjoyed this activity as they were able to make links to the topic whilst counting which made it lots of fun! We also subitised animals in fields to practice the skill, so children can subitise faster or a higher number.
Focusing on fine motor skills, this week the children have practiced their cutting skills to cut out animals and stick them in the correct place on the farm. This activity encouraged children to name the animals and their baby animal names. The children also made amazing mark marking by stamping the different animals feet in paint to make marks.
As the weather has begun to brighten up we have been taking our learning outdoors, this allows children to develop their Communication and Language as they can listen to 2 step instructions such as "put you coat on and line up at the door." It also encourages independence for children to put on their own coats, hats etc. Outside allows the children to develop their gross motor skills whilst having direct learning too!
This week we have introduced a new way for children to recognize their own name. They have to sign in both in the morning and afternoon by finding their own name and placing it into the basket. They have really enjoyed this and they have found it faster each day, which is a great accomplishment! We also complete daily name writing/ tracing or focused drawing freely sessions to promote these skills, most children are already on independent name writing too!