This week in maths, Rabbit Class have been thinking about weight. They thought about what heavy and light felt like and then explored what heavier and lighter objects did to a set of scales. They learned and used new vocabulary such as balance and thought how to make a set of scales balance by adding the same number of the same object.


They also enjoyed the challenge of balancing a set of scales with different objects on each side.

‘My scales can balance because I have three teddy bears in each side if I added one more to the left side, the left side would be heavier and go down’- Cody

In Writing- children have been completing their writing based on the text, ‘Naughty Bus’. Following our exciting learning around the bus travelling through a busy London city, and learning all about Big Ben and other exciting landmarks, the bus went on a journey through food, asking a huge mess. He also travelled and got lost in the pond! Then he needed a wash before going to bed!


Children have loved this learning with a focus on applying their phase 2 and 3 phonics knowledge into short sentences to retell the story.


Children this week have been accessing the provision as part of our ‘know more remember more’ week- whereby they have a week of sharing our prior knowledge and building on it in the provision. Look at their wonderful learning, that has promoted independence, consolidation and a showcase of what they have learned and remembered this school year so far!


I can find different ways of making 6,7, and 8!'

'I can make really big numbers!' 


Children love library time where they can explore the features of fiction and nonfiction texts.