Spring 1, Week 4
Science – Everyday Materials
This week in Science, Foxes have learnt about the differences between an absorbent material and a waterproof material. Focussing on absorbent materials and how they can react differently to liquids, the children put this to the test by planning and carrying out their own investigation. Using cups, pipettes, water and three different types of paper towel, the children dropped water onto each material and recorded the number of drops it took until the water started to leak through. They discussed ways to ensure that each round was a fair test and the most suitable way to record any data collected.
Writing – The Dragon Machine
In writing, Foxes have used their inference skills to describe what they would be able to hear, see and feel if flying on a dragon. Using the class text of ‘the dragon machine’ and video clips, the children focussed on using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases.
“I can hear wild, crashing waves” – Freddie
“I can see the sparkling, crystal clear ocean” – James
The children were also able to extend their sentences using conjunctions to provide a reasoning behind their inferences.
“I feel terrified because of the huge, steep drop below me” – Ariella
Geography – Our World
In geography this week, Foxes class have been learning about the continent of Asia. The children enjoyed exploring the different physical and human features that can be found in the fascinating country of India. They were able to discuss the features and history behind three well-known landmarks which were the Taj Mahal, The Golden Temple, and The Lotus Temple.
Whilst learning about the well-known human features, they also had opportunities to develop their understanding of the Thar Desert, the Indus River, and the Himalayas. To show their learning, the children produced unique fact files that included important facts and diagrams of their favourites.
Reading – Leon and the Place Between
This week in reading, Foxes have continued to explore a narrative text called ‘Leon and the Place Between’. The children have enjoyed working in groups to develop their reading fluency and comprehension of the text. Given four key pieces of vocabulary to focus on, the children read with a partner and were given the challenge of identifying the vocabulary within the text.